Surety Bail in the US
Surety Bail provides many benifits to the criminal justice system and to defendants, victims, taxpayers and courts.
Court appearances guaranteed
victims right to be heard protected
costs to taxpayer to monitor defendants pretrial
What We Do
Surety Bail Bond providers offer an accountable solution to cash bail, wherin instead of paying cash, the release of a criminal defendant from jail pending trial is guaranteed by a third-party (through a licensed bail bond agent). By far the most effective form of pretrial release, surety bail provides 100% financial accountability, protects the victims and defendants interests, and is a taxpayer friendly solution to both the courts and states.
Facts v. Myths
Proponents of bail reform often argue with the same talking points to bolster their claim that monetary bail is unfair…but do they get it right? Are people really “stuck in jail” solely because they cannot afford a $200 bail? Is the commercial bail industry really an unregulated business?
Let’s review the facts…and myths.
Do Poor People Lanquish in Jail Soley because they can’t afford it?
This single phrase has become the mantra of the Bail Reform movement relying on empathy for the defendant as punctuation to further the cause to end the judicial discretion of using financial conditions as a form of pretrial release.
Is the Surety Bail Industry a completely unregulated business that takes advantage of consumers.
False. The bail industry is a highly regulated business. Insurance companies must be properly established in each state with sound financials and experience. Additionally, agents must be licensed to operate as a bail bond agent. This means that agents must meet rigorous educational and financial requirements in order to maintain their ability to operate as a bail bond agent.
Does the Use of Money Bail Really Improve Appearance/
While proponents of bail reform would like this myth to be reality, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Every legitimate third-party peer reviewed study ever done shows that the use of financially secured release (bail) is the most effective way to ensure appearance of a defendant in court.
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Bail Sureties of America invite our Sheriff’s to “Downs After Dark”
Bail Sureties of America invite our Sheriff’s to “Downs After Dark” Bail Sureties of America is an informal group of several of the nations leading bail insurance underwriters in the[…]
Read moreBail Sureties of America Joins the National Sheriffs’ Association
A group of leading national surety bail insurance providers has joined the National Sheriffs’s Association. Surety bail has long been a staple in the criminal justice system. Commercial surety bail[…]
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Understanding How Bail Works…
When someone is arrested (in states that operate with commercial bail), a determination is made as to the type of pretrial release that will be considered based on the severity of the charge. For low level offenses, defendants are often cited and released or released on their own recognizance.
learn moreWhich method of pretrial release is the most effective?
As one might expect, financial conditions of release (even small bonds) far outperform those of OR and pretrial releases.
Judicial discretion is paramount in deciding release and most releases occur without any financial condition or additional court related burden at all. However, one size does not fit all and additional layers of accountability are necessary to ensure that both defendants and victims have their day in court. Bail decisions are routinely reviewed after the initial bail setting to foster balance and fairness within the system.
How does the Surety Bail Industry supervise and monitor defendants?
If the financial incentives and safety net provided by surety bail is to be replaced with state-based supervision, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. The first is the cost of such systems. The District of Columbia for example spends $60 million annually on running their system. In addition, it is important to realize that someone must pay for the supervision and monitoring services if the defendant is unable to pay.
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Bail Sureties of America is an information website designed to educate and inform criminal justice stakeholders on the role of Surety Bail in the United States of America.