What we do...
Surety Bail Bond providers offer an accountable solution to cash bail, wherin instead of paying cash, the release of a criminal defendant from jail pending trial is guaranteed by a third-party (through a licensed bail bond agent). By far the most effective form of pretrial release, surety bail provides 100% financial accountability, protects the victims and defendants interests, and is a taxpayer friendly solution to both the courts and states.
Facts v Myths
Proponents of bail reform often argue with the same talking points to bolster their claim that monetary bail is unfair…but do they get it right? Are people really “stuck in jail” solely because they cannot afford a $200 bail? Is the commercial bail industry really an unregulated business?
Let’s review the facts…and myths.
Since 1993
Learning Center
Check out the learning Center to learn more about how surety bail has been an integral part of the criminal justice system for over 125 years.
Learn more about...
How Bail Works
Bond Schedules
Which pretrial release is the most effective
Industry regulation